Changer de vie

Employer brand
campaign, Website

To recruit future business leaders from Groupement Les Mousquetaires, the agency is creating #ChangerDeVie, the campaign which accelerates the entrepreneurial impulse.

The challenge

The #ChangerDeVie campaign is based on accelerating the entrepreneurial impulse. It is a digital ecosystem organized around a conversion website and numerous contents supporting future franchise entrepreneurs. The principle is to capture future project leaders by answering the key questions they ask and supporting them in the process that will lead them to embark on the adventure. By gradually acculturating our prospects to the Mousquetaires values, we overqualify them and ensure quality recruitment for the UDM.

Changer de vie, the media brand

The “Changer de vie” media brand answers all the questions of a highly coveted target. It reassures and encourages to trigger action using its dedicated content through short “Live my Life” videos, testimonials, long-format broadcasts, and even dedicated podcasts. The media brand is an ecosystem that informs future entrepreneurs by allowing identification around profiles of experienced members.

A campaign, contents and maximum impact!

+50 contents
+5,7 k forms completed on the website
+1 k qualified contacts per year on average